Congratulations to Project PI Moshe Vardi who has won the 2021 Norbert Wiener Award for Social and Professional Responsibility from IEEE's Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). Vardi was honored for "for leadership in raising awareness on adverse societal consequences of computing and communication technologies."
Ryan Tibshirani selected as IMS Fellow
Congratulations to project PI Ryan Tibshirani who is selected as 2022 IMS Fellow for his "fundamental contributions to the applications, algorithms and inference problems related to LASSO and convex optimization methods; and conformal inference, high dimensional statistics and public health."
Ryan Tibshirani receives SPAIG Award
Congratulations to project PI Ryan Tibshirani who received the SPAIG Award for his "commitment to the theory and practice of epidemic tracking and forecasting through building and modeling public health data streams."
Stan Osher is #2!
Congratulations to project PI Stan Osher, who was recently ranked by PLOS as having the second highest impact in Applied Math worldwide based on data for 6 million scientists in 22 major fields!
Also, Siting Liu, and, Wunjon Lee, two of Stan's graduated PhD students were each awarded UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship.
Moshe Vardi receives three major awards
Congratulations to project PI Moshe Vardi from Rice University who has received three major awards recently:
Rama Chellappa elected to the NAI
Project PI Rama Chellappa from Johns Hopkins University has been elected to the National Academy of Inventors. Read the press release here. Rama, graduated his 115th PhD student in June 2022. Congratulations, Rama!
Richard Baraniuk receives IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award
Congratulations to project director Richard Baraniuk, who received the 2021 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award for the oldie but goodie "Single-Pixel Imaging via Compressive Sampling: Building Simpler, Smaller, and Less-Expensive Digital Cameras", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2008.
Project Kickoff Meeting
The ONR MURI on Foundations of Deep Learning project will kickoff on Thursday and Friday, Oct 8-9 from 12pm-4pm CST.